High-quality assessment provides timely and informative feedback about students’ learning progress. Effective feedback encourages self-reflection, allowing students to actively monitor and evaluate their own learning.
At St Joseph’s Clermont, the staff understand that together, assessment and feedback support continuous, collaborative, active and self-directed learning. Teachers are expected to plan, design and deliver relevant and appropriate short-term and long-term assessment methods that adhere to the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. Teachers use evidence of students’ knowledge, understanding and skills (assessment for learning) to inform their teaching which helps students to learn more effectively, rather than just achieving a better mark.
Teachers have opportunities to compare, discuss and moderate students’ work collaboratively with colleagues, leadership and staff from other school communities. These strategies allow for improvement of their understanding of learning goals and assessment criteria; and develop greater insight into where students are in their learning.
Teachers provide effective feedback which encourages self-reflection, allowing students to actively monitor and evaluate their own learning, and facilitate self-direction and motivation. Accurate, meaningful and individualised reporting is provided, formally and informally, to help students and parents/caregivers make decisions about what students know and can do, including recommendations for their future learning.
a) Reporting Schedule
Term One: Prep to Year 6 parents/guardians are invited to attend a Parent Information Meeting.
Individual parent/teacher interview. -
Term Two: Semester One Report Card.
Term Three: Individual parent/teacher interview.
Term Four: Semester Two Report Card.
b) Student Folios
Individual Student Folios containing relevant work samples, class test results, and reading running records are updated on a regular basis and available for parental perusal.
c) National Testing (NAPLAN)
Year 3 and 5 students complete Literacy (Reading and Viewing, Writing and Shaping, Writing Conventions) and Numeracy (Number, Measurement, Space and Shape) tests in March. Tests are marked externally and results are published in August.
d) Formal Written Reports
Formal written reports are issued at the end of each Semester for students in Prep to Year Six.