Catholic Education acknowledges the relationship between health and education. Healthy children are better able to learn, and higher educational achievement is strongly associated with better health (The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention, 2010).
Mental Health and Wellbeing is defined as “a state in which every individual realises his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” (World Health Organization, 2014).
Wellbeing should permeate all aspects of school life and learning. Schools do this by engaging with students, staff, parents/carers, and their communities to:
build a positive, safe learning environment and culture
improve educational outcomes of students
support health
At St. Joseph's all students are encouraged to show:
We believe that all Behaviour Management practices and procedures undertaken by staff members should:
be based on the Christian values of justice, love and respect
develop a warm and trusting pupil-teacher relationship
encourage co-operation between home and school
focus on the positive and good aspects of children's behaviour
always enhance the child's self-esteem
recognise the different stages of each child's development
establish, with the children, reasonable and fair consequences for every behaviour (good or bad) and be consistent in carrying out these consequences
be sensitive to the individual life histories of children
develop socially acceptable behaviour by insisting on manners
develop school pride and spirit
Administration of Medication
If prescribed medication is required to be administered while a student is at school or involved in school-approved activities, a parent/legal guardian must complete an authorisation form available from the office.
Prescribed medications and over the counter medications, eg: Panadol must have a doctor/chemist label with patient name and instructions for administration. Also a WRITTEN medical permission form is be completed by parent/legal guardian and kept in a medical register at the school. Such medications are to be stored in the school office.
Under no circumstances is medication to be kept in the child’s school bag.
Upon written request, permission may be granted for a student to be responsible for an asthma inhaler.
​Exclusion from School – Contagious Diseases
Refer Exclusion Table of Infectious Diseases (Department of Education). For the purpose of this table, a contact means a child of school age living in the same residences as the patient.